Maintaining Quartz Countertops

On a day-to-day basis, maintaining your quartz countertops is easy. Just wash the countertop with warm water and a soft cloth. With proper care and maintenance, the countertops can last for a long time without losing their shine and appeal.

Here are five great quartz countertop maintenance tips that you should follow when it comes to cleaning and taking care of the quartz countertops.

1. Avoid placing hot objects on the surface

Keep in mind that the quartz is not heat resistant like granite countertops. If you want to maintain the original look of the quartz countertop, you should avoid placing hot objects onto the surface. Placing the roasting pan or hot skillets directly on the surface can damage the countertop.

Thermal shocks can result in cracks to develop on the surface. That’s why it’s recommended that you use hot pads and trivets to prevent damage to the surface.

2. Avoid cleaning using strong chemicals

You must not expose quartz countertops to harsh chemicals, as they can damage the surface. Avoid using bleach, oven cleaners, or any other cleaning products containing pumice. Also, you should not use furniture polish, paint removers, silver cleaners, or oil soaps to clean the surface.

There are many other chemicals that can negatively impact your quartz. As a general rule, if there’s no indication that the product is intended for quartz use on the bottle, avoid using that cleaning product on your countertop.

3. Avoid using abrasive materials to clean

Using abrasive materials is also not recommended as they can damage the surface. Also, do not use knives
directly on the surface of the quartz countertops, as they are not scratch resistant. You can damage the countertops when you use abrasive or sharp materials on the surface. This is a key quartz countertop maintenance tip. Instead of sharp abrasive materials, you should use a soft cloth.

Your quartz should stand up remarkably well to accidental knife cuts or dropped objects. However, we recommend you make this the exception, not the rule. You should continue to use a cutting board when chopping fruits or vegetables, and try to avoid slamming objects down onto the countertop’s surface. Excessive force or pressure on the surface can end up cracking or chipping the stone.

In most cases, knives will not damage the quartz. Quartz, after all, is one of the strongest types of stone out there. However, it could damage the protective resin layer, leaving a mark. In addition, using knives of your quartz will likely ruin the knives themselves, dulling them quickly. All-in-all, keep your cutting boards in your kitchen. You’ll need them.

4. Keep permanent markers away

You should keep permanent markers away from quartz countertops. The marks can disfigure the surface that is not easy to clean. If you see a permanent ink stain on the countertop, you should first use routine care to get rid of the substance.

In case the stain is not removed, you should moisten the cloth with a glue remover and then rub into the stone. Make sure to rinse the countertop thoroughly with warm water to clear the cleaner residue.

5. Avoid staining your quartz

No home owner is perfect. If you spend a lot of time cooking in your kitchen, you’re bound to have an accidental spill at some point. The good news is that quartz stands up relatively well to most forms of staining. When discoloration does happen, it can often just be wiped away.

However, it is possible for different types of foods to have different effects. Here’s a quick list of the things that most commonly stain quartz surfaces:

– Spices: Brightly colored spices like curry, turmeric, paprika, or chili powder can stain your countertop. These are among the most commonly spilled items when preparing food. The good news is that most of this discoloration is on the surface. Try wiping away spilled curry stains with a wet rag, adding dish soap is necessary.

– Tomato Sauces: As any homeowner with discolored Tupperware knows, the combination of acidity and color in tomatoes can lead to some stubborn stains. When you spill tomato sauce or hot sauce on your counters, clean it up as soon as possible. If the sauce stain has set in, use the methods we list below to try lifting it out.

– Food Coloring: Being a literal dye, food coloring has the potential to temporarily discolor your quartz. We recommend being careful when using food coloring in the kitchen—when possible, apply food coloring to your dish while standing over your sink. If you have spilled food coloring, clean it from your quartz as soon as possible.

Your new quartz countertops should remain flawlessly beautiful for many, many years to come. At Acue Marmonite we’re here to help answer your quartz countertop questions.

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